Sunday, August 19, 2012

Choosing to Find Happiness

I am so not for slapping a smile on things unworthy of it. Sometimes it is HARD to be at home with work piling up, a toddler wanting to play again, and no adults to talk to for most of the day. But then I realize- is this really unworthy? It is one of the things I always wanted to do, after all. Priority assessment. I am in charge of my destiny. I can be happy and still do sometimes menial, often boring tasks.
So here are some of the things I have chosen to do in the last few weeks to make being happy an easier choice for me:
1) Enroll in college. Just one class for now. Intro to Floral Design. Let's see how I like it.
2) Try to complain less about the tasks I'm going to do anyway.
3) Step back from the computer more and enjoy my child more. I'm finding myself to be more patient with her, and happier with life in general.

This is my journey.


  1. Wow, choosing to find happiness. That's a worthy goal and one that doesn't often come to mind for me, admittedly. I'm very happy to be able to follow along with you and I'm already inspired! Whether or not that will transfer to my life, we shall see. (I am doubtful. lol)

  2. Love you, lady. I'm sure that no matter what you set your mind to, you will succeed!

  3. Amazing...I am very proud of your decision in choosing to find happiness even in the most mundane of tasks - that is most often where we overlook the simple joys of life - a simple smile from your child, a light touch from a loved one, a cuddle from a favorite pet. So much to be taken for granted, it often does take a deliberate decision to choose happiness. YOU make this mama very proud of the woman you have become and the VERY special mama the YOU are!!!

  4. I am so happy that you are looking at things ith a positive attitude! I am the person in life that you are most like, and I made this choice as it was the only thing I could do to climb out of the dark, dark place I put myself into. I will support you however I can, DAD.
